Grace Fellowship

Core Values for Grace Fellowship Christian Church

God is worthy of a worship that is both accurate, authentic and filled with praise because they that worship God must worship Him in spirit and truth and God inhabits the praises of His people.

Christ calls us to reach into society with love, compassion, and justice of God kingdom… so we are committed to benevolence and community service. We value the spiritual gifts that God gives each Christian… so we are committed to equipping every member for ministry in and throughout the church.

The Lost:
God cares for all souls and we believe that every available Christ-honoring means should be used to pursue, win, and disciple them.

Authentic fellowship produces healthy relationships among Christians that fosters Christ-like character, conduct, and accountability. We emphasize encouragement through small groups as a primary means for Christians to care for each other, develop friendships, and share their lives.

Growth and Development:
We are blessed by God to be a blessing to others and we strive for spiritual growth and development by actively studying and applying the word of God to our lives daily so God can be glorified in our walk with Him.

A life of prayer is well pleasing to God and that He desires His people to pray and communicate with Him on a daily basis and the prayers of a righteous person avails much.

We believe that giving our best brings honor to God and inspires people… so we are committed to excellence in everything we do.